Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of October 5, 2009
Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Lauren McMullen (LM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Billie Luker (BL), Mike Prisco (MP)
Staff: Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent: Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Location: North Reading High School, Modular Cafeteria
Quorum: 6:05pm meeting called to order by Rita Mullin (RM)
Audience of Citizens: None
Acceptance of minutes
New Business
(RM) Rita reminded everyone that the financials were given out at the last meeting and would like them to review them for the next meeting so they can be discussed.
Truck Allocation from DPW
(RM) Rita reminded the committee that if the capital Budget is approved on the warrant then Marty should be getting allocated a Truck from the DPW. Rita would like Maureen to send the TA a letter asking about the Truck.
Old Business
IRP Bathroom-bid updates (SC/MS/MT)
Maureen informed the committee that the project plans for the IRP Bathrooms went out to bid w/o the Pavilion included. We are waiting for new costs numbers for Pavilion to be handled separately. Invoice for new plans for IRP Bathroom plans is $1650.
(MP) Mike Prisco made a motion to the invoice dated 9/22/09 from O’Neill & Associates for $1650 for the plans for the IRP Bathroom project.
(LM) Lauren McMullen seconds the motions
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion Approved
Central Registration – October 7th
Site visit meeting - October 14th at 10am at IRP
Bid Opening – October 29 at 11am Selectmen’s room at Town Hall
(SC) Sergio suggested another site visit with LUC as far as the Pavilion and its location should be especially now that it is being separated from the bathroom project and will be considered its own project here forth.
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Parks Director Updates-(MT)
KidSpot- Marty updated the committee that he is still waiting for the rest of the equipment for KidSpot to arrive.
Other Business
NRYSSA Warrant Article at Town Meeting
(RM) Rita is asking if all members of the committee support the warrant article going before the town tonight regarding allocating $35k and creating a new town position for NRYSS director (Jenny O’Leary) and for the town to pay it out of the town budget. Rita would like to make a motion and take a vote of members in support of the NRYSSA Director position.
Rita turns the meeting over to VC Lauren McMullen.
(LM) Lauren will entertain a motion
(RM) Rita Mullen makes a motion that Park & Recreation Committee votes to support The Town paying from the Town budget the amount of $35,000 for a Youth Services Director position at Town Meeting October 5, 2009.
(MP) Mike Prisco seconds the motion.
Discussion had:
The committee members felt that the need for a Youth Services Director position is needed in North Reading and would benefit the youth tremendously, however the committee members are in fear that P & R dept will be hit again for the budget cut
to place the funds for the new position.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
(LM) Lauren turned the meeting back over to (RM) Rita.
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:55pm
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed